Cyber Security Checklist

Download the free small business cyber security PDF.

Get Our 12-point Cyber Security Checklist

Our small business cyber security checklist helps you put in place some essential cyber safety measures. This checklist is designed to help small businesses (and their staff) take proactive steps against cyber threats. Avoid:

  • Common mistakes employees make when working remotely.
  • Simple errors that compromise your network security.
  • Frequently used hacking methods.

Download it and feel free to distribute it amongst your staff as a company resource.

“Australian businesses face increasingly sophisticated and capable cybercriminals targeting what matters most to them; their money, data and reputation.”

cyber security business checklist

There's A Growing Number Of Threats Against Australian Businesses

Australian businesses are facing an unprecedented growth in cyber attacks. The move to remote work, remote connections and virtual file sharing has escalated network vulnerabilities as the opportunity to infiltrate devices and networks becomes more readily available.

Most Common Cyber Attacks

Ransomware 64%
Viruses 43%
Adware 33%
Phishing Emails 30%
Spyware 29%

‣ It takes on average of 4mins for a hacker to infiltrate a network via email attacks, 286 days to be detected and 80 days to resolve the damage.

‣  The estimated cost of cyber crime to Australian businesses per year is $29Billion.

What Are You Waiting For?

According to the ACSC, most Australian small businesses know that cyber security is important, but don’t do anything about it. They face ‘barriers’ to implementing good cybersecurity practices, such as:

One of the best ways to plan, protect and respond to these threats is to outsource your security posture to an experienced IT service provider like 9sphere’s Technologies. We’ll start by running an audit of your existing security and identify any vulnerabilities and existing threats. From there we can implement a world-class, proactive cybersecurity management system.

Chat to us for more information, and in the meantime, download our free cyber security checklist and get the essentials in place.