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Managed IT Services

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The role of modern IT managed services.

Managed IT services are the perfect solution for businesses seeking to outsource their IT support. For small businesses, hiring a dedicated team of industry professionals can be costly and may be a source of distraction from essential business operations. With managed IT services, technical support has never been easier – from network security to wireless connectivity, an IT provider will ensure your digital peace of mind allowing you to focus on your business goals. 

Historically, IT support systems responded to issues as they arose, whereas today’s services offer committed support aimed at keeping your business running at its optimal levels. This new way of managing IT services aims to provide the highest quality solutions that meet all your technological requirements, 24/7. These services cover a wide range of issues – whether it be wireless access points, databases and file systems, network connectivity (and digital infrastructure) or cybersecurity. Enlisting the services of qualified professionals is a stress-free way to manage the digital aspects of your business.

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Managed IT Services.

Since 2009 9spheres Technologies has been providing leading, cloud-based IT managed services to Brisbane businesses. Some of these solutions include:

‣ Faster and more efficient WiFi networks.

‣ Expert level IT and network security.

‣ Hardware and software solutions (Office 365, Sophos, etc).

‣ Priority onsite and remote IT support.

‣ Data storage, backup and disaster recovery.

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What does a managed IT service offer?

Typically, when you outsource your IT to a Managed Service Provider (MSP), before anything else, the current systems in place would be examined. This allows for a thorough understanding of what file structures, network protocols and hardware solutions have been implemented which, in turn, would let the MSP best decide how to both improve on the current system and resolve any outstanding issues. From there, the most effective strategy can be decided upon. This plan will address the most pressing concerns and include approaches to maintaining, strengthening and growing your current infrastructure.

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1. Network and cloud solutions.

An MSP can resolve any connectivity issues you may be having (like slow download speeds or poor wi-fi range), arrange for more wireless access points, organise regular off-site backups and oversee any transitions to cloud-based computing.

2. Data solutions.

Regular backups are critical nowadays as data has never been more valuable and the risk of data theft has never been greater. Unfortunately, backups can be tedious, time-consuming and inefficient. An MSP will remove this hassle and ensure that backups of the desired type (physical, online or both) are made at the optimal frequency. Furthermore, in the event of a data breach, a dedicated team of technicians will be able to recover lost or compromised files as quickly as possible.

3. Cyber security.

Cybercrime increases steadily each year as businesses rely more and more on technology. Cybercriminals are persistent, and the types of attacks on data have become more intelligent and delusive. Hence, cybersecurity is now essential to businesses of all sizes. Cybersecurity involves managing strong antivirus software, fortifying firewalls, protecting information flowing in and out of your business and patching any vulnerabilities – all fundamental ways of protecting your business. This, of course, can be overwhelming which is where a trusted MSP can reduce this pressure by anticipating, protecting and responding to all cyber threats.

4. Software solutions.

To keep your devices safe and efficient, regular software updates need to be performed. These can be tedious if done manually across multiple devices, but with the assistance of an MSP updates can occur during off-peak hours to avoid disruptions to day-to-day business activities.

5. Hardware solutions.

These services cover the physical aspects of any technology used in your business. This may include installing more workstations, setting up mobile devices, updating operating systems, installing cabling and upgrading devices each year.

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Why outsource your IT management?

There are many reasons why outsourcing your business’ IT would be beneficial. Here are just a few:

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1. Increased business efficiency.

Hiring and managing a suitable team of IT experts to work in-house comes with it’s own challenges and costs. An MSP removes the hassle of handling IT issues which may slow your business operations. All the time-consuming tech issues that require hours of novice attention can be resolved rapidly by a team of industry professionals. An MSP will reduce the amount of downtime your business may face as a result of any digital disasters

2. Improved support.

Because MSPs provide their services round the clock, support can be given proactively. With a team managing your tech problems may be spotted and rectified before they occur. Likewise, consistent monitoring of the systems in place ensures that the hardware and software used is running at optimal levels. And instead of waiting years to execute long-overdue updates and upgrades to your systems an MSP will ensure that you are kept up-to-date.

3. Optimised security.

When an expert team focuses on your cybersecurity instead of individual employees, the chances of attackers successfully gaining access to your business are greatly reduced and the likelihood of data theft is minimised through the consistent monitoring of the defences installed. The extensive knowledge of the rapidly changing world of cybercrime that a MSP possesses helps to ensure that your business is best protected.

4. Managed costs.

A lack of experience and complex technical knowledge often leads to higher expenses with in-house problem solving. With a team of highly-qualified professionals overseeing all of your organisation’s technology, the performance of your systems is guaranteed to be maximised while costs are minimised. With a monthly managed service plan you can accurately budget your IT expense.

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Supporting Brisbane businesses.

At 9spheres Technologies we have partnered with market-leading tech companies and make use of premier cloud-based software to enable us to provide the best IT solutions to suit your business’ specific needs. We prioritise performance and stability in all of the integrated services we provide. Our expert system engineers are guaranteed to install, maintain and provide the technical support for the perfect IT solution.

9spheres Technologies can help your business to smoothly transition to a more stable work environment, especially when working remotely. Through improving the speed and security of wireless connections, 24/7 IT support, and the installation of continuously monitored, robust networks, we can set you up for success. We’ll remove the hassle of dealing with the ever-changing IT industry so that you can focus on what’s important: your clients.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”2_5″ _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ text_font=”||||||||” text_font_size=”1rem” text_line_height=”1.8em” header_2_font=”Overpass|700|||||||” header_2_text_color=”#ff8f00″ header_2_font_size=”1rem” header_2_letter_spacing=”1px” header_2_line_height=”1.5em” header_3_font=”Overpass|700|||||||” header_3_font_size=”38px” header_3_line_height=”1.4em” max_width=”700px” module_alignment=”center” custom_padding=”15px|15px|15px|15px|true|true” header_2_font_size_tablet=”42px” header_2_font_size_phone=”32px” header_2_font_size_last_edited=”off|desktop” header_3_font_size_tablet=”28px” header_3_font_size_phone=”20px” header_3_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” border_radii=”on|5px|5px|5px|5px” border_width_all=”2px” border_color_all=”#ff8f00″ box_shadow_style=”preset4″ locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”]


Managed IT service benefits

‣ Network stability and less downtime.

‣ Data security and easy file sharing as staff access information and servers remotely.

‣Improve speed and network performance.

‣ Data security as information flows between clients, your staff and other parties, especially when working remotely.

‣ Guaranteed onsite and remote support.

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Managed Service Provider

With a Brisbane Managed Service Provider (MSP) you get all the IT services your business needs plus local, reliable support. We’ve been in the business of providing managed services for a long time and can help you solve your IT operational needs. Look around and see what you get with our managed services.

Fully Managed IT Services

9spheres Technologies is a Brisbane managed services provider. We offer you a complete range of fully managed IT services to enable your digital transformation. Whether you’re looking to safeguard against cyber attacks, migrate to Microsoft Office, or implement a range of hardware and software solutions, we’ve got your covered. All of our services are backed by guaranteed local support.

100% flexible packages. No lock-in contracts. No jargon!


Desktops, laptops, servers, WiFi access points, switches & more.

Cyber Security

Firewalls, anti-virus, endpoints. Proactive detect & response.

Cloud Services

Improve how your organization works with our cloud expertise.

Business Essentials

WiFi, remote access, file sharing, cloud backups & recovery.

Microsoft 365

Improve communication and workflow collaboration.

Video Conferencing

Hardware, software, cameras, mics, integration & support.

Nick & Alex Marot | Brisbane Managed Service Providers

The 'IT' Factor

What makes us different to other managed service providers in Brisbane?

We know that it’s confusing trying to understand what technology your business actually needs. We help you make sense of it all and walk the road with you as your business grows.

Your Brisbane Managed Service Provider

9spheres Technologies is a close-knit team of IT professionals, led by Alex and Nick. We’re well known in the Brisbane community for our professionalism and excellent IT support.

We’re as dedicated to your IT, as you are to your business. Reach out and say hi!

Aust Catering
Aust Catering
An excellent team, great response times and great advice right for our business. would highly recommend the team.
Akshay Shah
Akshay Shah
Jennifer Rushworth
Jennifer Rushworth
All the staff at 9spheres were friendly and professional. They got back to me promptly and provided fast efficient remediation of my problem (same day), even though I was not a regular customer or approaching them on behalf of a business. Their prices reflected their business focus, but their focus on solving my problem quickly kept their charges to a minimum.
Jeanie Smith
Jeanie Smith
We have worked closely with Nick, Alex and their team for more years than I can remember. They are part of our extended work family.Our Accoutnants referred them to us and we have never left. They have helped us move office a few times, helped streamline and grow our business and consitently troubleshoot our many varied requests at very short notice! I personally could not do my job without their support. Dont hesitate to contact their team for your IT needs. Thank you.
David Duncalfe
David Duncalfe
Excel Event Hire have been clients for over 5 years and the team have been fantastic. They are always honest and upfront with what we "need" and what would be "better" and the difference that will make to our operations
Sonya Wilson
Sonya Wilson
KWA Blinds have had a service agreement with 9spheres for 10 years. In terms of risk management, there are so many scams and threats to a companies IT property that a great IT partner is now a necessity. We have found it reassuring to partner with 9 Spheres. We have worked together to ensure effective security and firewalls, transferring our data to the cloud, faster downloads, back ups and remote accessibility of company data. It is inevitable that issues will arise, such as accidentally deleting important company details, and we have been able to rely on 9 Spheres for prompt and professional service. Sonya Wilson Director KWA Blinds
Yarden Malecki
Yarden Malecki
Have been a client of 9spheres for many years now and they are absolutely fantastic and always solve our issues quick and proactively. Would happily recommend.
Garry Solah
Garry Solah
Nick, Alex and their team have helped us immensely. Their professionalism and knowledge is exceptional and response time very fast which is critical in our industry. They have helped us modernise and grow our business very rapidly. Very clever!
Kevin Cuyler
Kevin Cuyler
Nick, Alex and the team have been our IT support for almost 10 years now and in all that time we have never considered changing vendors. They are friendly and professional and as our business has grown substantially, their advice, service and support has always been highly valued.
Len Watt
Len Watt
Nick and his team are great to work with. They provide an excellent service and we can always rely upon them when we call them. Nothing is ever to much trouble I would recommend them to anybody looking for good IT support.

Our Managed Service Provider Packages

At 9spheres Technologies we don’t believe you should pay for IT services your business doesn’t need. Our first step is understanding your operational needs and then helping you to choose the right services to add to your customized bundle.

Our packages are subscription based, month-to-month. Set monthly SLA agreements with no unexpected costs. It makes budgeting easier. Plus all of our IT service plans include monthly managed support. Sound like something you’re looking for? Get in touch!

Mary's Insurance Business
Mary has 17 machines in the office that need full IT support – Microsoft 365, full security protection, data backups, managed desktop software etc. But she also has 11 agents in the field who work off mobile devices and tablets and need to be able to view emails, access shared files on the network and from time to time login via 3 machines when in the office. 9spheres Technologies can customize a solution specifically to match Mary’s business needs with one pre-determined monthly fee and no hidden costs.
Steve's Booming Law Firm
Steve's legal practice is booming. From a trading business of 21 full time employees he has added another conveyancing secretary and 3 new clerks this month. He needs to set them each up with new email addresses and configure their different access permissions on the network. One of the clerks will work remotely so he needs to setup a VoIP phone line as well. We can do this quickly via our cloud-based control panel and ensure that Steve doesn’t miss a step as he focuses on taking care of his new clients.
Leaders In Learning
Bruce manages a highly successful ‘Leaders in Learning’ training school. This college has a complement of 80 full-time staff, 60 sessional staff and 45 self-serve computers based in their centre for learning and innovation. 9spheres Technologies put together a custom IT services package for this school that can be adjusted as students and staff join or leave.
Ben's Consulting Business
Ben owns an electrical consulting business. He has a team of 11 consultants who work across multiple sites during the day. They only need access to email and shared files, via their mobile devices and some level of support. He has supplied 3 notebooks which are based at his office for when his consultants are between site visits. Ben needs a full setup for another 7 full-time employees. We can put together a custom plan to match his unique needs at a very affordable rate.
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Enjoy These Benefits With Us As Your Managed Service Provider

Our Partners

9spheres Technologies partners with some of the world’s leading cloud-based products, such as Microsoft 365, Sophos Cyber Security, Lenovo and Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

Through our partners we can deliver the IT hardware and software that will keep your business secure and running the way you want it to.

The Journey

Whether you’re looking to switch managed service providers or start from scratch, our goal is to make the process simple for you.
We want to give you a business solution that leaves a smile on your face. This is what you can expect after reaching out to us.

Step 1

We get to know you, your business and IT needs.

Step 2

We audit your current IT to see what’s needed.

Step 3

We send you a proposal. No lock-in contracts.

Step 4

Implementation and ongoing IT support.

Get More Information

Keen to hear more about the managed services we provide to Brisbane businesses like yours? Send through the form or give us a call.

Knowledge Centre

Still got questions?
Contact us and let us know how we can help.


Typically, when you outsource your IT to a Managed Service Provider (MSP), before anything else, the current systems in place would be examined. This allows for a thorough understanding of what file structures, network protocols and hardware solutions have been implemented which, in turn, would let the MSP best decide how to both improve on the current system and resolve any outstanding issues. From there, the most effective strategy can be decided upon. This plan will address the most pressing concerns and include approaches to maintaining, strengthening and growing your current infrastructure.

1. Network and cloud solutions.

An MSP can resolve any connectivity issues you may be having (like slow download speeds or poor wi-fi range), arrange for more wireless access points, organise regular off-site backups and oversee any transitions to cloud-based computing.

2. Data solutions.

Regular backups are critical nowadays as data has never been more valuable and the risk of data theft has never been greater. Unfortunately, backups can be tedious, time-consuming and inefficient. An MSP will remove this hassle and ensure that backups of the desired type (physical, online or both) are made at the optimal frequency. Furthermore, in the event of a data breach, a dedicated team of technicians will be able to recover lost or compromised files as quickly as possible.

3. Cyber security.

Cybercrime increases steadily each year as businesses rely more and more on technology. Cybercriminals are persistent, and the types of attacks on data have become more intelligent and delusive. Hence, cybersecurity is now essential to businesses of all sizes. Cybersecurity involves managing strong antivirus software, fortifying firewalls, protecting information flowing in and out of your business and patching any vulnerabilities – all fundamental ways of protecting your business. This, of course, can be overwhelming which is where a trusted managed service provider can reduce this pressure by anticipating, protecting and responding to all cyber threats.

4. Software solutions.

To keep your devices safe and efficient, regular software updates need to be performed. These can be tedious if done manually across multiple devices, but with the assistance of an MSP updates can occur during off-peak hours to avoid disruptions to day-to-day business activities.

5. Hardware solutions.

These services cover the physical aspects of any technology used in your business. This may include installing more workstations, setting up mobile devices, updating operating systems, installing cabling and upgrading devices each year.

There are many reasons why using a managed service provider is beneficial.

1. Increased business efficiency.

Hiring and managing a suitable team of IT experts to work in-house comes with it’s own challenges and costs. A MSP removes the hassle of handling IT issues which may slow your business operations. All the time-consuming tech issues that require hours of attention can be resolved rapidly by a team of industry professionals. An MSP will reduce the amount of downtime your business may face as a result of any digital disasters.

2. Improved support.

Because managed service providers work round the clock, support is guaranteed and proactive. With an expert team managing your small business, problems can be spotted and rectified before they occur. Likewise, ongoing monitoring of your network ensures that the hardware and software used is running at optimal levels. And instead of waiting years to execute long-overdue updates to your systems, a managed service provider will ensure that you are always running up-to-date.

3. Optimised security.

When an expert team focuses on your cybersecurity instead of individual employees, the chances of attackers successfully gaining access to your business are greatly reduced. The likelihood of data theft is minimised through the consistent monitoring of the defences installed. The extensive knowledge of the rapidly changing world of cybercrime that a outsourced managed service provider possesses, helps to ensure that your business is better protected.

4. Managed costs.

A lack of experience and complex technical knowledge often leads to higher expenses with in-house problem solving. With a team of highly-qualified professionals overseeing all of your organisation’s technology, the performance of your network is guaranteed to be maximised while costs are minimised. With a monthly managed service plan you can accurately budget your IT expense.

Outsourced managed IT solutions make sense for any growing business. With 9spheres Technologies you can customize your own monthly plan, making the cost affordable and predictable.

Outsourced managed IT services give you:

  • Access to a team of IT experts (instead of doing it yourself or relying on a family member with limited technical ability)
  • Online security
  • Network stability
  • Remote access
  • Improved workflow and efficiencies
  • Business continuity
  • Scalability

Speak to our team about the right outsourced managed IT solution for your business.

Whether you’re a large or small business, we can advice you on the right IT services for your business and budget.

All of our packages are customized, based on the services your small business needs. That makes our managed IT services very affordable for your small business.

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